
What Do I Do if My Spouse Refuses to Agree to a Divorce

If you want to get divorced, but your spouse refuses to talk to you about it, what can you do? Even if you have filed for divorce, your spouse may claim they haven’t received the paperwork or even outright refuse to sign it. Fortunately, there are legal ways of getting around this, so you won’t […]

  • Posted on: Sep 25 2018
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My Spouse Is Avoiding Being Served – What Can I Do?

When you want a divorce, but your spouse does not or is intent on making the process as long and as difficult as possible just to spite you, they may do their best to dodge being served the divorce paperwork. They believe that if they’re never served, the divorce simply won’t happen. They may think […]

  • Posted on: Aug 31 2018
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The Legal Differences Between Separation and Divorce

If you and your spouse have reached a point where you no longer wish to live together at the moment, but may attempt reconciliation, you may not want to get divorced. Instead, you can separate. Legally, these two options are very different from each other. Separation Is Not Divorce Just because you’re living apart doesn’t […]

  • Posted on: Jul 17 2018
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Steps to Follow Upon Being Served With Divorce Papers

Being served with divorce papers, particularly when the request for a divorce comes as a surprise, can be one of the most overwhelming experiences a person ever faces. One can become confused and helpless if you do not know what to do next. Therefore, rather than let your soon to be ex handle all the […]

  • Posted on: Jun 27 2018
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Taking Back Your Name After Divorcing

There are a lot of things to consider when going through a divorce. From child support and custody to dividing your assets, a divorce can often become a long and stressful process.   While you don’t need to take back your last name after going through a divorce in New York, it is something that […]

  • Posted on: Apr 19 2018
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