
How to keep a property in the family through partnerships and LLCs

When it comes to property ownership and preserving it, many families make it a goal for future generations to enjoy. By passing the ownership down through the family, each member is able to maintain their share and interest in it. As more family members come about, then the amount of owners also increases. When deeds […]

  • Posted on: May 24 2022
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How a Home’s Price can be Affected by a Haunting

When it comes to the supernatural, many can easily brush it off as wind or a house settling. Although this may be true for some, others believe that having a supernatural connection has a negative impact on a home’s value. Regardless, when you decide to sell, you may have a little difficulty because not everyone […]

  • Posted on: Apr 29 2022
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Steps To Take Once Your Mortgage Is Paid In Full

Now that you have your home paid in full, you will probably have more money than you know what to do with. However, the good part is that you will no longer be worried about making a payment or having any threats against you, such as foreclosure. Of course, you will need to continue paying […]

  • Posted on: Mar 29 2022
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Real Estate Taxes vs Property Taxes

If you are a homeowner, then you will be familiar with the terms real estate tax and property tax. You should also know that both of these terms are not the same and that they each are classified as totally different material associated with them.. Regardless, it is important to know that taxes related to […]

  • Posted on: Feb 22 2022
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Splitting Retirement During Divorce

Going through a divorce can be an emotional roller coaster as well as challenging from a financial standpoint. This involves the ability to be well informed of the decisions you make when the division of assets takes place between you and your other half. The Divorce and Retirement Plan As a valuable asset to have, […]

  • Posted on: Dec 23 2021
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