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Divorce Information Form

Please fill out the following information using our easy secure online form or if you wish to print out the document and fill it out before bringing to our office, please click the PDF button below:

Your Information (Plaintiff)


Information About Your Spouse (Defendant)


Marriage and Separation Information


Last Address Where Both Parties Lived as Husband and Wife


Grounds for Divorce

Residency Requirements

Children Information (Minor Children (under 18 – 21*)

Custody/Support issues (who gets and who pays)

1st child 17%; 2nd child 25%; 3rd 29%; 4th 31%; 5+ no less than 35%


Insurance Information (Indicate Who the Insurance Covers)

*Minor Children are required to have health insurance (either through parents or Gov)

Please note that you will be requested to provide the Social Security Numbers of the Plaintiff, Defendant, and the Children, as they are required to file for an Uncontested Divorce. 

Assets/Liabilities (Yours, His, and Ours)

(Use a Separate Page if Necessary and Upload Toward End of Form)


Court Fees

Index Number-$210

Fee to Service Papers ($100)

Note of issue- $30 + RJI $85 = $125

Cert Copy of Judgment for each party - $25.00 ttl

Mailing Cert Copy of Judgment (if necessary) – Varies with type of mailing service  


Maximum size 10MB

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